Join Me at The ECC for some good cosplay fun! I will be passing out stickers and have a few signed CDs for my fans! But the real question..... WHO will I be?
705 Pike Street Seattle WA
Join me visiting the Sandbar in Tacoma! Great food , cool atmosphere and ...maybe some singing? Something with a name like this might just warrent me pulling out my fins!
1941 Marine View Drive Tacoma WA
Hawaiian anybody? This is a tropical Karaoke Paradise in the concrete Jungle! With all those classic Hawaiian vibes you cant go wrong... but what to wear?
1501 E Olive Way Seattle WA
It is still up in the air if this will be a drop in appearance or a performance, but either way- it will be one killer show! Join me and other great musicians too! (Tommy Two-Tone,Chas West,Brian Forsythe, David Goldstein, Kicran RobertsonSean McNab, & Jimmy Allen Fine)
Hmm....maybe my "Rocker Azula" is appropriate for this one!
El Corazon -Fun House
109 Eastlake Ave E
Seattle WA 98109
Anime Heaven! Manga, artwork, a cosplay costume...soo much fun! Ill be handing out stickers and a few CDs! Come find me with the "Demon Slayer" crew and be sure to get a picture!!
Its my bithday and what better way to spend it than helping our furry friends! Join me in supporting this fundraiser for "Furry Faces Foundation"! There will be music, comedy & a silent auction. I think Kitty Ears are a must that night! 5412 South Tacoma Way Tacoma WA 98409